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February- March 2024

As the season of renewal unfolds around us, Mental Health Advocacy Partners extends heartfelt gratitude to all who have shown interest in our mission of fostering a supportive mental health culture in Fort Worth and its neighboring communities. Your dedication to mental health advocacy is the driving force behind our progress.

We are excited to announce that the selection process for our 2024 board of directors is well underway. In the coming weeks, we eagerly anticipate introducing the talented individuals who will guide us in our mission to cultivate a supportive mental health culture in Fort Worth and beyond.

In case you missed it, we recently had the privilege of being interviewed by Marissa Greene from the Fort Worth Report. The conversation provided an opportunity for MAP to shed light on our initiative for accessible grassroots mental health education. Spring into the full article and other MAP updates and Resources.

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Raquel Portillo and Celia Brannon are co-founders of Mental Health Advocacy Partners, a nonprofit trying to bring mental health and substance abuse training to secular and faith-based organizations.

Brannon recently taught a mental health class at New Harvest Missionary Baptist Church in the Stop Six neighborhood and hopes to bring more such conversations into churches, she said.

“We’re really trying to get more into the church groups. Because we believe that that’s the heartbeat of a community,” Brannon said. “If we can prepare that front line on a grassroots community level, then we really believe there’s a lot of opportunity to change how our community looks as far as being mentally well.”

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UpComing Events


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Mental Health Advocacy Partners will be at the following events:

Watch the video in the Resources‘ section to learn more about Walmart Health Center’s coming to a neighborhood near you!

Community Connections


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Matt Vereecke, Ed. D. Chief Executive Officer for The Jordan Elizabeth Harris Foundation, provided great insight as his team lead the group in an interactive presentation.

“Do not harm yourself, for we are all here.”- Paul (Acts 16:28), Mental Health Advocacy Partners(MAP) strives to spread this similar message in Fort Worth and surrounding areas, “Here for you!”. MAP is grateful to have been gifted the opportunity to attend the first Soul Shop presented by The Jordan Elizabeth Harris Foundation; a one day training that equips leaders of faith communities to minister to those impacted by suicidal desperation. Learn more about Soul Shop and The Jordan Elizabeth Harris Foundation is the Resources‘ section.

Sergeant Tarik Muslimovic of the Arlington Police Department and Julie Evans, CEO of Alliance For Children presented: “Multi-Disciplinary Approach: Child Sex Trafficking & Exploitation”

Mental Health Advocacy Partners(MAP) attended presentation lead by Arlington Police Department and Alliance For Children regarding child sex trafficking and exploitation. MAP gained a better understanding of how the two entities work in combination as experts in their fields. View the Resources‘ section of this newsletter to learn about prevention education and awareness programs offered by Alliance for Children.

Mental Health Advocacy Partners(MAP) is grateful to be listed as vendor for Backing the Blue - Denton, Status Check - First Responder Mental Health Conference. MAP’s Mental Health First Aid Certified Instructor (MHFA), Health Advocacy

MAP’s Mental Health First Aid Certified Instructor (MHFA), Celia Brannon, is proud to provide MHFA Officer Mental Health Training and MAPs Officer Wellness Presentation. For more information on free mental health & substance misuse trainings and presentations offered by MAP visit or view a list of trainings and presentations in the Resources‘ section.



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Coming soon :

The MAP Resource Guide

*Disclaimer: Mental Health Advocacy Partners (MAP) is dedicated to sharing resources and tools encountered during interactions with local mental health providers, substance treatment providers, and community organizations. MAP does not endorse any specific entity nor necessarily align with the views expressed therein. The resources and tools listed on this website are provided for informational purposes only and should be utilized at the discretion of each individual. Users are encouraged to exercise their own judgment and seek professional advice as needed.


Place Mental Health in the limelight.

Limelight is defined as; focus of public attention. When you support Mental Health Advocacy Partners, you are helping to shed light to raise awareness and place a much needed focus on the challenges of mental health and substance abuse. Please, consider a monthly investment towards cultivating a mental health supportive culture in Fort Worth and surrounding communities.

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Mental Health



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map partnership opportunities

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Mental Health Providers &


Join MAP in cultivating community well-being by increasing awareness of mental health services, substance abuse treatment, and provide relevant insight of these topics to residents as a MAP Wellness Partner.

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Businesses, Faith-Based &

Other Local Organizations

Join MAP in cultivating mental health supportive environments by reducing stigma through mental health and substance misuse education. Announce your support for community well-being as a MAP Corporate Partner.

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